
41 게시물

Exclusive articles:

Beyond the Veil of Similarity: Quantifying Semantic Continuity in Explainable AI

arXiv:2407.12950v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: We introduce a novel metric for measuring semantic continuity in Explainable AI methods and machine learning models. We posit...

A Three-Stage Algorithm for the Closest String Problem on Artificial and Real Gene Sequences

arXiv:2407.13023v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: The Closest String Problem is an NP-hard problem that aims to find a string that has the minimum distance...

Interpretability in Action: Exploratory Analysis of VPT, a Minecraft Agent

arXiv:2407.12161v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Understanding the mechanisms behind decisions taken by large foundation models in sequential decision making tasks is critical to ensuring...

Putting GPT-4o to the Sword: A Comprehensive Evaluation of Language, Vision, Speech, and Multimodal Proficiency

arXiv:2407.09519v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: As large language models (LLMs) continue to advance, evaluating their comprehensive capabilities becomes significant for their application in various...

Model Surgery: Modulating LLM’s Behavior Via Simple Parameter Editing

arXiv:2407.08770v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated great potential as generalist assistants, showcasing powerful task understanding and problem-solving capabilities. To...


식품 안전 분야에서 AI의 필요성 증가

특히 광범위한 조류독감 발생의 영향이 농업 부문 전반에 걸쳐...

12월23일 정부지원사업 신규 공고 리스트 (12건) _ (파일 재가공/재배포 가능)

12월 23일 12건<12/23지원사업 신규 공고 목록> *전 영업일인 12/20에 올라온...

Waste Robotics와 Greyparrot가 분류 로봇을 강화하는 방법

Waste Robotics는 FANUC 로봇 팔을 사용하여 안정적이고 정확한 피킹을...

2024년 상위 10가지 생물의학 이야기

2024년에는 생체 의학 기술이 실제로 우리 머리, 더 구체적으로...